• Birdie Stories,  Fantasy,  Fiction,  Hidden Stories,  Mystery

    Remember Me

    Remember Me A Hidden Story By: Birdie Jay   Hazel stood outside her front door, feet cemented to the ground, as she stared into the darkness of her apartment. A feeling of profound sadness made her almost immovable. She flinched in surprise as someone walked past her, shaking her from her thoughts. She quickly went inside before someone called the…

  • Birdie Stories,  Hidden Stories

    Autumn’s Time

    Autumn’s Time A Hidden Story By: Birdie Jay Autumn flipped the invitation over, fingers tracing the words as she slowly read it out loud. Her heart couldn’t help but drop every time she read Erdu’s name. She wanted nothing more than to reject the invitation, but the thought of him made her hesitate. Shaking her head, she crumpled the invitation…

  • Birdie Stories,  Hidden Stories

    Cosmos and Anna

    Cosmos and Anna A Hidden Story By: Birdie Jay   The cat’s mouth opened wide in a yawn, lazily watching as people walked underneath, not bothering to look up at him lying on the fisherman statue. Licking his paws, he realized he would not get any peace with the number of people around today. After a good stretch, he jumped…

  • Non-Fiction

    Review: The Art Of Thinking Clearly

    Rating: 5 Author: Rolf Dobelli Released Date: May 14, 2013 I enjoyed this book. It was straight and to the point, and it pointed out things that I had never thought of before. It made me think and understand a little about how the world works. I often find myself needing clarification when reading nonfiction and grasping at what the…

  • Book Reviews,  Fiction,  Romance

    Review: The Roughest Draft

    Rating 2.4 Author: Emily Wiberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka  Release Date: January 25, 2022   To say I disliked this book would be an understatement. For the life of me, I couldn’t get myself to fall into this story, and I found myself looking up in confusion and disbelief while reading this book. I had a hard time relating to the…

  • Book Reviews,  Mystery,  Thriller

    Review: The Naturals

    Rating: 4 Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes Released Date: November 5, 2013   The Naturals is a story about Cassie, who witnesses the aftermath of her mother’s murder and is never the same since. Unable to fit in with her dad’s side of the family, she pounces on the opportunity to join a program for special kids in hopes of finding her…

  • Book Reviews,  Fiction

    Review: The Book of Longings

    Rating: 5 Author: Sue Monk Kidd Release Date: April 21, 2020 The Book of Longings is a fictional rewriting of the story of Jesus from a different perspective. What if Jesus had a wife, and her untold story was just untold? With this question, we meet Ana, a woman who has desires that do not fit a misogynistic world. Ana is…

  • Book Reviews,  Literary Fiction,  Romance

    Review: The Seven Year Slip

    Rating: 4 Author: Ashley Poston Released Date: June 27, 2023   The Seven Year Slip was such a heartwarming read. It left me with a bittersweet ache in my chest and a confidence that life will work out.   The author’s prose was a delight to experience. Her vivid descriptions and the world she painted with her words were truly…

  • Book Reviews,  Fiction,  Romance

    Review: The People We Meet on Vacation

    Rating: 3.5 Author: Emily Henry Released Date: May 11, 2021    People We Meet On Vacation begins with best friends Poppy and Alex, who often go on vacation together. On a vacation to Croatia, things between them take a turn and become the catalyst for no longer speaking to each other. Two years later, Poppy is stuck in a rut. The…